
Can I Run Two Electric Services Underground Beside Each Other

What You Need To Know About Electric Service Masts

Rules and regulations regarding electrical service masts vary depending what part of the country you live in, so some of the information hither may not be applicative in every situation. When in doubt, bank check with the local electric utility company and electrical inspector.

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An electrical mast | Construction Pro Tips
Structure Pro Tips

The Service D rop

The overhead service drop , or underground service lateral, are the electric conductors that come from the utility pole , pedestal or footing-mounted transformer  to the home. Changes to the service drib volition ever be completed  by the utility visitor ,  and the cost for virtually  changes are the responsibility of the customer. The major safety effect here is that the service drop conductors accept no fuse , circuit breaker  or any kind of overcurrent protection  at their supply finish ; they are dir ectly connected to the utility ' s  distribution grid and are energized at all times .

There are three conductors coming to the service mast  in the overhead service drop , two  ungrounded conductors ( hot legs ) and a divide grounded conductor ( neutral ) . The hot legs have black thermoset, polymer or other  nonmetallic conductor insulat ion . If all three wires are connected to the service mast  that runs through the roof ,  and/or down the exterior wall of the business firm  in a service-entrance conduit , you tin commonly assume at that place is 2 4 0 volt service for the house  since each hot leg measures 120 volts  from each hot leg to the neutral .

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Table of responsibilty from Excel Energy | Construction Pro Tips
via Excel Free energy

Who Owns What?

Power line regulations and responsibilities will vary from one municipality to another and will depend on whether a power line is public or individual. Public lines are installed and owned by a public utility company. Sometimes they are on public property, but sometimes they are on private holding. Utility companies own everything up to the service indicate, the point of connection between the serving utility and the house premises wiring system , and the service point is frequently on individual property .  Different utility companies define where that service point is exactly  located , and it can vary greatly depending on whether the electrical service is overhead or cloak-and-dagger, the size of the electrical service rated in amperes, where it originates at the utility equipment, and where it terminates at the client'south equipment . Private ly owned electric distribution lines are sometimes found in gated communities, apartment complexes, mobile home and RV parks, college campuses, large industrial facilities and elsewhere.

So if a tree does fall on a mast or service drop, the chart above volition give you an idea who is responsible for what, but it ultimately depends on where you live and which utility company services you.

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An electrical service mast | Construction Pro Tip
Construction Pro Tips

The Mast Has One Purpose

For condom reasons, d o not attach television, telephone, cablevision or other wires to the service mast. Only the electrical util ity conductors are permitted to  exist attached to the service mast.

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Construction Pro Tips

Avoid Trees

Exist certain the overhead service drop conductors are gratuitous and clear of copse, limbs, droppings and vegetation. T rees that grow up into service conductors  can damage the conductors  and attract lightning strikes , both of which cause many power outages every year. Think, a 4-f oo t  tall, 2 -f oot  broad tree might abound to be 60 -feet  tall and thirty -feet  broad. Some utility companies have instituted tree replacement programs to assistance customers in properly planting the right trees in the right identify to avoid future problems . For information well-nigh growth potential and planting near  power lines, c ontact your utility company, your Canton Extension part, State's Department of Agriculture office, District Forester, or local plant nursery.

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via Excel Energy

C learances for Service Drops

  • Except at the baste loop, at due north o fourth dimension less than  12-feet  above final  course
  • Where overhead service drop  conductors terminate at a through-the-roof raceway or mast, there is a chiliad aximum of 6 -feet  of conductor  length  over the roof
  • A chiliad inimum of xviii inches of clearance above any part of a sloped roof
  • The service mast must  exist no more 4 -feet  from the border of the roof measuring horizontally
  • The service mast should not exist more than 3-f eet  vertically above the roof line ; most utilities will require bracing or guy wires for additional support of any mast that is taller than iii-feet.
  • Flat roofs demand to take at least 8-feet  of clearance and balconies need at least 10 -feet  of clearance
  • O verhead conductors must take a horizontal clearance of 3-feet  from all windows that can exist opened, doors, porches, balconies, ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations. No 1 should exist able to grab a service conductor from these areas .

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via Excel Free energy

Additional C learances for Overhead Service D rop Conductors

  1. W hen located near a swimming pool, the overhead service conductors must  be at least 10 -feet  abroad from the pool horizontally and at to the lowest degree 22 .5 -feet loftier .
  2. If the home has a flat roof, at that place must be 8 -feet of clearance ,  and if your home has a pitch roof of 4 inches in 12-inches ,  or greater , there must  be a minimum of 3 -feet  of  clearance .
  3. West hen the voltage to ground does not exceed 150 -volts , there must be 10 -feet  of  clearance from  the lowest point of the drip loop at the electric service archway to buildings  and the finished form, westward alkways , decks, patios, etc. The clearance is raised to 12 -anxiety where the voltage does not exceed 300 volts  to basis , and  raised to15 -feet where the voltage to ground exceed southward 300 volts.
  4. T here must be an 18 -f oot  clearance over public streets, alleys, roads, parking areas that may have truck traffic, driveways other than on residential property, and areas used by farming and structure vehicles .

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Construction Pro Tips

Service Driblet Drip Loop

The overhead service drop conductors are spliced to the service-entrance conductors at the home. This connection is chosen the drip loop . The baste loop is required to keep water from traveling along the length of the service-entrance conductors and entering the service-archway conduit at the weatherhead . Overhead service-entrance conductors are fastened to service masts with clamp-on porcelain or similar nonmetallic insulators. Overhead service-archway conductors that terminate at the side of a house, under a roof eave ,  or on the roof fascia board are fastened to screw-in porcelain or like nonmetallic insulators.

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Structure Pro Tips


Service masts that  penetra te  the roof must have a covering kick properly secured at the roof line to prevent water leaks. The roofing boot must  be properly sealed, glued and screwed affluent with the roof membrane. If nails are used, they must  be sealed properly. Nails tin corrode over time and the membrane tin can separate and so be certain to utilise the right tools for the task and take the time to be certain information technology is properly sealed.  Mast  brac ing must also be sealed with flashing at the roof line intersection.

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via Excel Energy

Supporting a mast above the roof

The typical service mast consists of two-inch rigid metallic conduit . Sometimes y'all 'll  run into a through -the-roof service mast that appears to be leaning from tension in the overhead service drop conductors . This tin can exist repaired  by calculation a caryatid ,  tie back or guy-wire supports. Masts over  36- inches  normally require a mast caryatid or  tie dorsum supports such as a No. 6 Copperweld  Shipping Cable ; although some municipalities allow the mast to be as much equally 5 -anxiety  above the roof line  before needing a guy wire for actress support . The brace must  be installed at a minimum 45-deg ree  angle.

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Black Shingles Roof Tile Manuel Capellari/Shutterstock

Supporting a Mast Beneath the Roof

The service mast must  exist p l umb  (non leaning) and properly attached to the frame of the home past installing  securely fastened  metal conduit straps every 3 -feet . Malleable pipe straps and 4-inch  lag screws in studs may sometimes be substituted. T here will be  a raintight threaded conduit hub  where the service mast enters the height of the meter  socket enclosure .

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Construction Pro Tips

The Meter

Electrical utilities oftentimes require the meter to be mounted four-feet to six-anxiety from the footing , which is a reasonable height for utility workers to do their task in a safe manner . Meter bases for the sockets are furnished at no cost in almost areas .

via Excel Energy

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Underground ability lines

Utility companies install electric distribution  either beneath ground or above ground ,  and they  make the decision on which one will be used in your installation. The long-term overall cost is less for overhead electrical distribution  compared to underground distribution , but sometimes the utility will install underground distribution ,  but it comes with an boosted installation and maintenance toll to the property owner.  T he location of the electric meter will be determined past the electric utility based on the size of the service, the blazon of service and the type of distribution equipment, such as a transformer or distribution pedestal .


Utility companies are very strict when information technology comes to breaking seals or removing  meters . In addition to the obvious safety hazards, liability and theft of electricity are major concerns for utility companies. Ever consult with the utility company before accessing the interior of the meter socket enclosure or attempt repairs to a service mast.

Nearly the writer

Lisa Archer, Owner of BPG/Memphis Inspections Service & Nationwide Pest Control

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Can I Run Two Electric Services Underground Beside Each Other,


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